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Solution-Focussed Hypnotherapy for Giving Up Smoking and Vaping

 Appointments Available From Monday 5th August 2024

Monday - 5pm and Thursday - 10:15am - all fortnightly appointments

If booking for smoking/vaping cessation - this is only a one-off 1.5 - 2 hour session and so I may be able to fit appointments in for this at different times during the day to those listed above, so please get in touch to enquire about availability for these sessions



Stop smoking or vaping with Solution-Focussed Hypnotherapy 

 Special half price offer at just £100 until 19th July 2024


  • Do you want to give up smoking or vaping?
  • Have you struggled to give up smokin or vaping on your own or are struggling to quit at the moment?
  • Are you worried about your (future) health due to smoking or vaping?Stop Smoking

Perhaps it is time to try a different approach and contact me for some solution-focussed hypnotherapy.

Some statistics:                                                                                                 

  • 12.5% of the British population smoke
  • 33% of deaths from cancer relating to smoking
  • Adults with depression are twice as likely to smoke with most of these people starting to smoke before showing signs of depression
  • Vaping increases risk of heart disease and lung disorders and is particularly risky for the developing brains of teenagers
  • There is little evidence that vaping helps people to quit smoking with many countries having banned the use of e-cigarettes
  • Most UK vapers are between the ages of 35 - 44 years
  • 38% of vapers also smoke 
  • Studies show that children who vape are more likely to go on to smoke cigarettes    

There are many benefits to giving up smoking including:

  • Within 24 hours of giving up smoking, your risk of heart attack decreases
  • Within 2.5 years after giving up smoking lung cancer death for an average former smoker is almost halved
  • Within 10 years after giving up smoking risk of heart disease of a former smoker is that of a non-smoker

How can solution-focussed hypnotherapy help?

Information about solution-focussed hypnotherapy can be found here.

Giving up smoking (known as smoking cessation) using solution-focussed hypnotherapy consists of one session lasting 2 hours.

The session involves taking some information, providing some information and then the hypnotherapy element which involves something called, 'trance'.

Trance is simply a form of deep-relaxation and is very ordinary, in fact we go in and out of trance multiple times a day. It provides a space within which the relaxation response gained from trance reduces unneccessary or negative stress so that you are better able to do what you want to do in your brain. It also opens up the mind and provides a context in which you can rethink some of the misgudied patterns of thought and behaviour from the past, in line with what you want to do for your best interests in the future.

It's a very positive process and engages the deeper parts of your mind to focus more positively on what's good, what you want and what you are looking forward to.

Professional hypnotherapists will not make you do anything that you don't want to do. 

In order for the therapy to have a chance of success, it is important that you are ready to give up and so we use a scale of 1 -10 to measure this (1 = not ready to give up at all and 10 = definitely ready to give up).  To enable success, I require you to be at an 8 or above on this scale.

If you are ready to give up smoking or vaping, then why not contact me and I can get you booked in. 

 What will it cost?

  • £250

Contact me in confidence on 07999 858630 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

"I have been a smoker since I was 15 years old. I have tried a few times over the years the quit however if I am honest these were often a half hearted attempts.  I tried to quit seriously approx. 2 years ago however as with many smokers I found a reason to start up again, I could not quit. When Kelly informed me that I could try hypnotherapy with her to quit smoking , I have never had hypnotherapy before and I jumped at the chance. She informed me that I had to want to quit, I wanted to feel free from smoking once and for all.

I met with Kelly and I instantly felt ready. She spent time with me exploring the reasons why I smoked, we explored my relationship with Cigarettes and I began to view smoking differently. I had a lightbulb moment of what smoking really was for me. I thought I knew all health risks associated with smoking, I was expecting to hear much of the same. This was not the case, Kelly educated me in a way that was new and thought provoking, I learnt exactly what smoking does to not only my physical health but also my mental health. The reality is really scary.

When we began the hypnotherapy  session, Kelly ensured I was relaxed and ready.  Following our session Kelly called me a ‘non smoker’ I laughed and said ‘I guess I am’. Kelly has continued to be supportive and positive. She has been my cheerleader. I have always made cigarettes accountable for my previous addiction, however I now truly believe I am accountable and I can take control. 

I feel healthier, I smell better and I am honestly amazed at how Kelly has been able to support me with letting go of a habit that was killing me!

Thank you Kelly. Your dedication, knowledge and support has quite literally been lifesaving."


stop vaping