Appointments Available From Monday 5th August 2024

Monday - 5pm and Thursday - 10:15am - all fortnightly appointments

If booking for smoking/vaping cessation - this is only a one-off 1.5 - 2 hour session and so I may be able to fit appointments in for this at different times during the day to those listed above, so please get in touch to enquire about availability for these sessions



Relationship Awareness Week

This week marks the first ever Relationships Awareness Week (20th-26th July) which seems quite pertinent in the current situation we find ourselves in regarding the Covid-19 pandemic. The pandemic has impacted on our world in so many different ways and things are not the same now as they were even just a few short months ago. Things will also continue to change going forward into months to come.

The pandemic has been one of the biggest tests on our relationships many of us will have ever experienced in recent times. It has forced us to live closer together with some people and further apart from others. The pandemic has also given rise to more specific issues that have also impacted on our relationships, such as an increase in domestic violence, unemployment, financial concerns, home schooling and so on. However, what we must also remember is that for many of us, relationships are what have got is through the situation so far.

Relate recently undertook a poll of more than 2000 people to provide a snapshot of couples, family relationships and social interactions during the pandemic and as we emerge from lockdown. Here are some of their findings: -

  • 61% stated that lockdown has made them realise that relationships are the most important things in their lives.
  • 43% of respondents with parents stated that they feel emotionally closer to them.
  • 41% of men stated that they felt more comfortable having open and honest conversations with loved ones about difficult topics. This is compared to 35% of women.
  • 29% were spending more quality time as a family.
  • Young people’s (16 – 34-year olds) relationships have also been hit hardest, with almost a third worried that they will feel lonely if/when their partner returns to work.

Covid-19 pandemic and romantic relationships

8% of respondents to the Relate poll stated that lockdown has made them realise that they need to break up/divorce/separate. Marriages and romantic relationships aren’t built on the expectation that the couple will be spending all day, every day together without much of a break and this can cause a strain on a relationship. We may discover things about our partner that we didn’t know before and don’t like very much. We may find ourselves arguing more about different things. Domestic abuse has been reported to have increased during the lockdown. Long periods of time together can act as a stressor and as a result, couples may find that already negative relationship behaviours are intensified.

Tips for maintaining a healthy relationship

  1. Take responsibility if you are at fault for something and be understanding of the impact this may have had on your partner. Defensiveness is a key mistake in these situations – own the mistake yet also don’t beat yourself up about it.
  2. Don’t bottle up your emotions. It is really important to get it all out there even if you feel self-conscious about certain things.
  3. If you have hurt your partner, it can become really easy to spiral into feelings of self-pity, shame and disappointment in yourself. But this won’t help the relationship. Instead of beating yourself up and using energy on this, it is useful to instead use that energy trying to show care and compassion for your partner, the relationship and yourself.
  4. Learn to compromise. Relationships always require give-and-take. This will involve exploring each other’s needs and how these can be accommodated for within the relationship.
  5. Seek professional help. If the relationship has broken down too much, professional help with a qualified therapist may be helpful.

Relationship counselling is offered at Kelly Porch Counselling where as a couple you are offered a safe and confidential space where you are free to explore your relationship together with the help of an impartial qualified counsellor. Why not get in touch now to enquire about how your relationship can be helped.

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